Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A.W. Tozer
Thursday, October 28, 2010
God is funny sometimes.
Text message exchange between us this morning:
Jer: Ugh. Kindergarten + 1st grade literacy intervention groups all day! Momma Beth would be proud.
Jer: Even the Apostle Paul didn't sacrifice this much! :)
Jer: Lesson plans: "supplement any phonemic awareness activities or letter sound recognition that you feel will be helpful." Shake What?!
Me: Hahaha.
Jer: I'm not laughing.
I, personally, think this is hilarious. I love that while church planting is outside of a normal person's comfort zone, stepping into an elementary school room is the way God asks Jer to break himself. Funny, funny.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Learning to do it together.
But there is one aspect of our marriage that isn't so easy lately and I'm not sure why or how it's become such a hot topic. Well... I guess it's the same issue that lots of marriages break up over (and we are by no means anywhere near that point)... but it's still not fun. It's talking about money and paying the bills.
Here's why this topic is a hard one for us: Jeremy is a full time pastor. A full time church planting pastor. A full time pastor that doesn't get paid for any of the work he's doing (at least not yet). So he's been delivering papers (yuck) to help with the bills. Right now he's transitioning into substitute teaching to help out. He's sacrificing a lot of time and creating a crazy schedule to help out.
But as a wife, and as the one who writes out the checks for our monthly bills and watches the bank balances and all that other stuff... I know that we can't live on my salary alone. And I'm willing to work, don't get me wrong, but I don't/can't bring in enough to give us enough breathing room so that Jeremy can give up the other stuff to concentrate on the church.
And he is tired. And he wants a break. And I feel awful asking him to take sub jobs when they are available because I know if he doesn't, and there aren't any available jobs the next day... we're stuck. I want him to be able to take a day off and not feel guilty. But somehow asking him to use his Saturdays for Sabbath that doesn't reconcile...
I don't like being in this spot. I would like to be a fully funded church plant as much as he would, but that's not where we're at right now and sometimes God has us endure the tough stuff to receive the blessings (thinking of Job, here...)
So we have to learn how to endure this season together so we can come out on the other side together. It's not a me thing. It's not a him thing. It's an 'us' thing, and we need to learn how to talk about it freely and openly. Without guilt and without shame.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Yep. Keep Walking.
I don’t know why I thought of this, but I feel like the Holy Spirit might have given me this picture for you guys. It’s the scene from Braveheart where William Wallace asks Robert the Bruce to unite the clans because it’s the only way they’re going to defeat the English. And eventually, after taking a winding path, he did. He did. And they won their freedom.
I feel like God might be saying that you guys might just be Mound’s Robert the Bruce. If there’s one thing missing in the church, it’s unity. And if you can, in any way, help the church unite with God, itself and the people it’s trying to reach, that’s no small task.
I keep having Joshua 1:9 run through my head for you guys too: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Keep walking towards...
Jeremy met with the planting pastor and told him about all the great spaces in Mound that would be ideal for them. And then it hit us: with other Jesus-focused attractional churches in this town, is MainStreet really needed? After about 4 minutes of doubt, the answer came back as a resounding 'Yes!' Part of that comes from what our friend Rob shared in our MainStreet Voices video: we don't want to be just another church. We want to be a church that unites all churches. We can already see how that is happening, too.
The vision God gave us wasn't to start another Sunday morning community. It was to be in the marketplace daily. To serve, to love, to care, and to draw people to Jesus everyday. People outside the church walls.
And so it was my husband yesterday, not me, who realized that the cafe' is really the best way to be in intentional relationships and community all week long. And not just for our launch team, not just for our church, but to create relationships by creating space for everyone to honor Him.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Happy Tears
Jeremy and I were invited to Excelsior Covenant to share the vision of MainStreet and about how we have seen our prayers answered. We played the video that Jeremy put together in July as an introduction. I haven't watched it since then, but seeing it on Sunday and realizing that it's actually in motion gave me happy tears.
And then Jer asked me to share about the ways God is providing and how we have seen Him show up. So of course I cried more happy tears (actually, I would say tears of amazement and thankfulness and gratefulness). I got to talk about our meeting space, our team, our prayer warriors, our marriage... it was great. We received a lot of affirmation, encouragement and support. It was all a little overwhelming because they have already done SO much to support this vision, and we were finally getting to say thanks for the first time. Oh man.

Sunday night was our first public worship rally. I can't believe how smoothly it went. We had our entire team there, our Fusion kids came to help be greeters (oh the happy tears at getting to see their faces!), we had 100+ show up, but the best part was that God showed up. I felt His presence, His peace, and His provision.

Jeremy had two other local pastors pray for the city, and Dave Abernathy prayed for our marriage. Holy moly. That was wonderful. Nick Reitenour made some amazing paintings for the evening, my friend Chris donated coffee from Caribou, and I realized that Gene & Laurie Whitbeck are the most gifted greeters I have ever met.

We are blessed. So glad that God asked us to go beyond ourselves and follow Him. So thankful He calls us out of our comfort zones so we can know He provides abundantly more than we could ever know or imagine. He gives me happy tears.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A few of my favorite things...
-KitKat bars
-Jeremy coming out of sedation
-fresh baked cookies
-a clean toilet
-catching up with old friends
-funny dreams
-paid bills
-getting out of class early
Monday, September 27, 2010
And Yet..
Monday, July 19, 2010
Name tags, please.

Last night was the first official gathering for MainStreet Covenant, and it was great. Only a few awkward moments while some people were stretched well beyond their social comfort zones, but it was a very good night.
We had a crazy cross section of the people in our lives gather in our backyard for a BBQ. Some of them knew each other, some didn't... and so we used the great ice breaking practice of name tags. For two hours, we talked, ate, and shared what we want to be about as a new church.
Monday, July 12, 2010
MainStreet Covenant
Jeremy has created a website - take a peek:
Returning to Faith
I didn't realize it would be as hard as it was for me. It was wonderful, but it was hard. The whole service I sat and tried not to think about the fact that we were no longer our students' youth pastors, but merely two people who've played a role in their lives and who love them lots. I keep trying to remind myself with the new church there will be another bunch of kids to love, but I tend to dwell on the fact that they will be different kids. Argh.
The new youth coordinator was there (the quasi-replacement of Jeremy). We met her briefly before heading out to the picnic, where I found myself avoiding her, which I'm not proud of (I'm still working on admitting that this season has come... working on it though). So today I sent her an email, sharing my thoughts and what I realized as soon as I met her and what God reaffirmed in the car as we drove home:
"...Since Jeremy and I got the news about his position being cut, I started praying that the Lord would provide someone in our place that would love our students and that they would be well taken care of. This was (and is) the single biggest thing I have ever had to trust God with, and it wasn't/isn't very fun for me. Yesterday I realized that He answered my prayers with you, and as hard as it is for me to let our kids go I know you are the one that I was praying for. Thank you for the relationships that you have started to form, the ones that are yet to come, and for the way that you will show these kids what it means to love Jesus. I am SO glad you are there. I will be praying for you as you leave on the missions trip, getting to know and serve alongside our goofy kids and forming new wonderful friendships. You will have so much fun."
And so here I sit, still shedding tears at this new season, some happy, some sad, some for seemingly no reason. But I am glad we returned to Faith yesterday. And I am glad that God answers prayers. Oh man.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Long Overdue
What an awful, wonderful day May 16th was. Awful because it was our official 'goodbye' and wonderful because we got to celebrate it with so many wonderful people and felt very affirmed from both our season at Faith and what God is calling us to next. We had to share in both services what is before us... I was going to write about that in the last post, but got side tracked during a discussion with Jer on how the first service went and what to tweak for the second service.
So you may be asking... what is next? I realize I haven't actually articulated it in a post yet, so here's the quick and dirty summary: Jeremy and I are pursuing planting a non-traditional church in Mound. Yep. Funny how God works. When I started this blog, we had been invited into the Storm church plant, which we are not pursuing. But through a series of divinely orchestrated events, God brought us to a place where we both feel completely and totally called to plant a church in Mound.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Jeremy was in the bathroom, heaving large amounts of something out of his stomach... which is gross. It was a weird feeling, because I don't think he's even thrown up over the course of our marriage. Been sick, yes. Puked, no. I didn't quite know what to do. Do I pet his back? Leave him alone? Get him water (which might just get puked right back up?) Offer him a towel? I found myself doing an awkward combination of all four... and then decided it was best to let him be alone with his stuff. I went back to bed.
He came in after awhile and said he thought it might be food poisoning (which I don't think was a possibility yesterday... he really didn't eat anything except for a pizza at midnight). But then he said (and I find this interesting) that he might be so nervous that he's making himself sick. And that I believe.
This past week it has really finally hit both of us that we are being cut from the team... and we're not sure if we're going to get drafted by anyone else. It's not fun.
We had a long talk on the way home from church about our fears for the next season (the one that is only three weeks away). My biggest fear is not related to money or comfort or a job... it's that Jeremy will be so focused on something else that he'll forget about me. That he'll pursue the Kingdom and leave me on the sidelines. That I won't be his teammate anymore, but just a cheerleader. And I don't want that. He doesn't either. But we know ourselves well enough to know that we can't start falling into that pattern, because Jeremy needs me to respect and honor him, which is hard for me to do when I feel forgotten... which is a huge part of out story and the early parts of our marriage.
I guess that I'm asking for major prayers to keep Jer and I united, loving and respecting each other, and putting each other first. Admittedly, this is hard for me to do sometimes. This is one of the big things I need God's help with, because I can easily become bitter and selfish. This next season is going to stretch us both... I just want us to be stretched together.
I'm nervous about this, and I think he is too. Nervous enough to make us sick.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Three weeks
Friday, May 7, 2010
Loose Strings
Storm Faith Community
We are not moving forward with this, but it was definitely an essential piece of bringing us to where we are currently at. Jeremy has shared this with David, and David is still excited for us in our next season. And what's even neater is that God is continuing to align the details and pour out blessings during the first steps of Storm's formation... so that is awesome. David also asked Jeremy to help create some discipleship curriculum and the online presence for Storm, so at least Jeremy will have something to keep him a little busy this summer. It is exciting that we may get to potentially partner together in the future and watch our church plants grow in the Kingdom. Fun stuff.
Chapel Hill Church
Sort of as an after thought, Jeremy did submit his name for this position. The church has decided to hire Josh Ask, however (which is probably perfect). What's funny is that Josh is married to Lori... someone we have run into at youth ministry events over the years. Lori is a good friend of a friend, and now she and Josh will get to be friends with Peter and Joy, too! So again, it's been fun to watch the Lord bring all these details together. Josh and Lori will be a GREAT fit at Chapel Hill - I'm excited to hear and see what happens there.
And that's all I've got. Any loose strings I'm missing?
Love Letters
To the wonderful people of Fusion…
The last 2 and a 1/2 years with you have been some of the favorite of my life. Thank you for letting Jeremy and me be a part of your story… and thanks for being such a big part of ours. From the very first time I met you (Fall Retreat of 2007) I have not stopped laughing. It took about 2 minutes to fall completely in love with this youth group. You guys have no idea how easy you made it to do that.
It’s easier for me to write you a letter than to try to read this to you (for obvious reasons), but I want you guys to know how very much I love you and how hard it is to leave Faith because you are here. You are the neatest group of students that I have ever had the privilege to know – and I’m not the only one that thinks so. Over and over Jeremy and I have been told by others who have met you that you are truly a special bunch…
I am in awe of how many beautiful people there are in this Senior High ministry. This youth group is filled with teenagers who are desiring and seeking the Lord. It continues to excite and amaze me, and I find myself crying happy tears at getting to be a part of this journey with you, however short a time it has been. You consistently teach me how to follow Jesus through everyday living and loving.
I find myself surrounded by a group of silly, sarcastic, serious teenagers – you have a brand of love which is so similar to my own – getting pranked on retreats, hip-checked in the hallway, having ‘who’s hotter’ conversations while trying to fall asleep on mountains, singing and sleeping on bus rides, playing night games at church, talking about guy-girl relationships and so much more. We have had a silly, God-honoring, God-ordained relationship. I love you guys like I can’t even explain.
As we move on to what’s next, I have to trust that the Lord will take care of you, provide for you, lead you, grow you, and stick someone in your way that will love you like I do. This is the hardest and biggest thing I have ever had to trust God with. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to give up my weekly love relationship with you. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to let you grow up without me… but I am choosing to trust the Creator, the one who made you just the way you are, and have faith that He will continue to do the good work in you that He began so long ago.
Being a part of Fusion has been such a blessing – watching God show up in relationships and the way you love each other. Thank you for letting me love you, too. You guys are, and always will be, my favorites.
‘Cause we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Love you so much -
Monday, May 3, 2010
One of the things that I wanted to make sure that our students know before we leave is how crazy much I love them. So last night I sat down to write a goodbye love letter to them. That sucked. I couldn't even make it through a paragraph without sobbing or blowing the snot out of my nose...
And what I wrote probably won't even capture half of what I want them to know. In fact, I was crying so much my mind couldn't process things and I ripped half of it from my blog. The important thing is that they know how special they are, and how loved they always will be. Not just to me. Not just to Jeremy. To the Lord. I hope and pray that a little of that sinks in as we countdown our last weeks...
I love it when that happens.
When we finally got around to sharing what was on our minds (something we were a bit nervous Mike might say 'no' to) he said, "Well good. God already told me that. I was just waiting for Him to tell you."
Haha. I love it when that happens.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Oh Man, Oh Man...
First off, the entire experience was incredible, if not a little intimidating. Fourteen couples attended the assessment center, and 14 other individuals came to do the 'assessing' - most of them conference representatives or superintendents, as well as a few other people who have planted their own church with the Covenant.
Our first morning was a bit awkward for both Jer and I... we all met in the hotel lobby and had to organize rides to the church where we spent the majority of our time. There were an odd number of cars, and with no one really knowing one another, settling who would ride with who was a bit chaotic. That first morning Jeremy and I squeezed into the back seat of a car with two others... and two more in the front. Six people riding in a small car made it almost feel like we were attending an adult version of youth group.
We had lunch at the church, and then spent 2 hours going through a series of interviews (spiritual disciplines, evangelism habits, prayer requests, church vision, etc.) Lots and lots of stuff to share. After that, we were broken into groups (separate groups for spouses) and placed in classrooms where we had to work through a hypothetical church planting situation. The assessors sat in the room to observe our group interaction, leadership, initiative... and whatever else they wanted to pay attention to. Then it was back for more interviews and a chat with a licenced counselor. Then dinner. Then 3 of the guys had to give 10 minute mini-sermons relating to their passions for their church plant. When the guys were done preaching, their wives had to join them in the front of the room to answer a few questions. Jeremy was the third of those three that first night and I (though admittedly biased) think he did a pretty good job. We ended the day around 8 and headed back to the hotel.
Day two involved an earlier start, more interviews, more group exercises, and a few breakout sessions on personality types and other stuff. It was a heck of a day. And then came day three, where our team had to devise a plan to plant 10 churches in 10 years... easier hypothetically than it sounds. And in the midst of this team exercise, we were getting pulled out for more counseling sessions and more intentional interviews. And then it they let us go.
The assessors met the evening of that third day to pray over what they had seen in each individual (and each couple) that week, and to seek the Lord's heart in our fit for church planting. What an incredible gift, at the end of a few intense days, to know that there were people praying specifically about our future and what the Lord wants to do with us. What a beautiful picture of the church. What a great display of intentional community. And how wonderful, no matter the outcome, to have this experience.
All I can say is Oh Man, Oh Man...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Late Night Walks and God Encounters
What made me smile yesterday was just how funny God is, and how He encourages us in just the right way at just the right time (especially when we are paying attention). Jer had a rough day, feeling limited and lost inside the church building, and aching to start pursuing the vision we were given last week (sorry - haven't blogged about that yet!) We went on a late night walk to the gym and were talking about the day, our feelings, and the future. Jer mentioned the last time he was struggling with this, God brought a few Revolutionaries into his day (students who we worked with in the grass-roots Revolution movement that we walked away from 2 1/2 years ago). When we got to the gym, there was a kid on the elliptical machine who kept looking at us. I didn't know who he was, but he walked over and starting chatting with Jeremy... about the Revolution.
This kid had been to our house a few times, attended a few Revolution events, and asked Jer what the future looked like. And so Jer got to share what we may be noodling on and invited this kid to potentially join us. What is funny about God is that had we waited just a few months longer to see this vision, many of these 'random' Revolution encounters wouldn't be happening. 2 1/2 years was the perfect amount of time to let us find our stride together, let us see what the Lord might be doing, and to come back to finish the work that was already started.
God is funny. He encourages us in just the right way at just the right time.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Church Bulletins
mentioned in the bulletin - it's just the typical order of service, financial update, weekly events, and prayer requests...
It's the prayer requests that make me cry.
Last week there was a prayer request for guidance as the church looks for the new student life coordinator. Makes sense. Of course that's a good thing to pray for. But the church is being asked to pray for that because we won't be there any more. It's a quasi 'pray for a new Jeremy' request. And I hate it. It makes me cry. I don't want there to be a new Jeremy because I like the Jeremy the church has now.
And this week in the prayer request updates, there was a request for guidance for Jeremy and I as we finish our ministry at Faith. Another good request. And I appreciate the prayers - I really do. But that one made me cry the most. And that one made me hate the church bulletin. It's just another reminder that I don't get to be a part of Faith once June comes (at least, I don't get to be a part of Faith the way we have been till now). And I don't want to be reminded of it every week when I read the church bulletin.
I was fine. I was doing fine. I was finishing our year strong, not thinking about this stupid transition that we have to go through (and by we, I mean our Fusion students, the Berg's and the church - but mostly the students). And then I read the church bulletin at church on Sunday while surrounded by all the students I love so much, and I was reminded that I don't get to do that every Sunday. I don't get to tell them to be quiet when they're obnoxious during prayers, or laugh at the funny dances they do during worship, or stay after the service to talk about their weeks. I don't get to, and the church bulletin keeps reminding me of that, and thinking about that makes me cry.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Dear child...
Let's be honest
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A week and a half later
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Moving Towards...
That's how I feel about the Storm Faith Community. It's not something that I can say no to, in light of all the mountains the Lord has moved to make me open to it. But I'm also still unsure of what I would be saying yes to. The best I can do in the meantime is to keep moving towards this opportunity until the Lord starts to make things clear.
And he may have done that a bit today. Jer and I had decided on a 'yes' to Storm, but that yes comes with a lot of uncertainty that needs to be made clear. And today, while I'm in Connecticut for work, I received an email from Jeremy. It was about the leadership, the direction that Storm is starting to move towards, and what sort of structure would come around it. And it all made Jeremy uneasy... but in the midst of that uneasiness, a few other conversations opened up about the church planting process. Long story short: I still feel like God is calling us into some sort of church planting future. Just whether that is with this specific Storm opportunity, I don't know.
What I do know is that I would never have come to this point of being open to something like this has Jer and I not chosen to 'move towards' the Storm conversation in the first place.
So I will continue to listen to what He is saying, and looking for where He is leading... and I promise to keep moving towards the opportunities He is providing.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Missional Church
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My Life Would Suck Without You
Jer took it too...
Spiritual Gifts
I can honestly say this is another way He is telling me to pay attention and listen to Him, especially with the two crazy options the Lord has laid before us. Here's what I came out with:
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sunday Morning Classes
There were around 25-30 people in the class each week; Dave Cornell lead us through a study and weekly discussions on the Holy Spirit - it was a strange, glorious experience to commit to learning about the Spirit in the midst of seeing Him unfold what was/is to come for the Berg's.
I was probably the youngest person in the class by 15 years, but that didn't really matter. It was a great reminder for me that God is never done working in, with and through someone. He continues to reveal new truths to us each day about who He is and how He loves us. We just need to be paying attention and acknowledge that He can still show up in big ways.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday Night Dinners
While Jer was busy doing that, I met with one of our other students who is struggling through some other stuff right now... we had a great coffee date, where I got to speak truth to and pray for this adorable student. Then I buzzed off to get gas and buy flowers for the Poukey's while chatting with another leader on the phone to keep her in the loop on prayer requests, etc. And of course, when it was time for dinner, neither Jer nor I had printed out the address or directions, and Jer left Andrew's late so I was sitting in the church parking lot waiting for him at the time we were supposed to be arriving. And I was feeling guilty (I've decided I hate being late for fun things like dinner parties... but don't mind being late for boring things like the dentist).
None of that mattered when we finally found our way, though. Bette and Mike had made yummy homemade pasta for dinner and the six of us got to just sit around the table and chat. As the evening wore on, we moved to the living room for some more conversation, coffee, and gingerbread. There was a fire roaring... with romance crystals providing some funny entertainment, too.
It was almost the perfect night to just 'be'.
I realized while we talked and Erica and Mike shared about how excited they are to start 'putting down roots' after years of moving from place to place... is that I don't get to anymore. I don't get to establish the roots that were just beginning to dig in. It's not like we had made a huge effort in the last two and a half years to create intentional community, but it happened anyway. And now I have to let it go. I'm mourning for the possibility of what could have been and what was just starting to become... no more impromptu dinner invitations in the hallway, no more visits to chat with our kids just because.
Someone else gets to do that, and it's not me. And I hate that.
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Big Bowl of Blessings
The theme for the weekend was Sacred Doors - a study on Spiritual Disciplines (talk about biting off a lot). Scott Groff joined us again as our speaker for the weekend - he was the perfect guide for leading us into a deeper journey with the Lord. We practiced some things that don't come naturally to many teenagers (and me!) like silence, spiritual breathing, confession, etc. It was a stretching, challenging weekend. I had promised Jer before we left that I was going to use the weekend to listen to what God was saying and asked him to do the same... especially since we would be going through the lessons with our kids.
So... what did God do? He kept pouring peace over me. I can't explain it - I am not wired to take a transition like the one we are going through easily. And yet - I've had this crazy sense of peace, and I continue to have this crazy sense of peace that God will provide, and we will be taken care of.
I have this neat relationship with Scott Groff, having worked under him with the students at Open Door. I saw my girls there grow under his passion for Jesus and gentle spirit that called them into a more real relationship with the Lord. I was lucky enough to help lead a trip with Scott to Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina. And I was at Open Door when the church let him go and during the transition that followed. Scott has (sort of) been in our shoes. He knows the awkward feelings that surround the sometimes hard decisions that churches make. He knows what it's like to transition out of a ministry. Granted, we have it a little easier... but it still stinks. So, when we were preparing to leave the camp and head home, wrangling the kids onto the bus, Scott came over to say goodbye and shared some thoughts with us on the upcoming months. And part of what he said sticks with me... and continues to give me peace. He said, "I don't know if this is from me or from the Lord, but I just see a big bowl of blessings being poured over you two."
It's from the Lord.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Be joyful always; pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
Prayer Partners
Chapel Hill Church
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Fast forward to this year: David sent Jeremy an email about his desire to plant a church in the Twin Cities, and that he wanted Jer to be a part of it. We agreed to meet with David and a few other folks this January to discuss the vision... to be honest, I probably wasn't on board or too excited about the idea, but I could agree to a 'discussion'. My one and only experience with the Methodist church wasn't exactly Kingdom-type living.
Apparently God wanted me to have an open mind, though. Four days before we were supposed to meet to talk about the church plant, Jer was told that his position was being cut. So, here we were, suddenly very 'available' for this ministry, should the idea become a reality.
And God has continued to move other mountains surrounding this church plant. Jeremy said it to David on the phone before a meeting once: "If this is of us, it will fail. But if this if of God, nothing will be able to stop it."