Monday, September 27, 2010

And Yet..

It's been one of those months. God has been so good - to both Jer and I and to the church plant. Amazing things are happening, doors are opening, we are moving forward, relationships are filled with grace and excitement. And yet... I still have at least one day a week where tears flow because I miss my kids.

Fusion started up two weeks ago, so that Wednesday was hard. I'm taking a Master's class at night so I can keep my mind occupied, but it doesn't help much because I still know it's Wednesday. Last week small groups kicked off. That's the hardest for me. My girls are seniors this year. This is the beginning of the end for them, and I don't get to cheer them on from the sidelines. I get to cheer them on from far away through the radio replay... it's not the same.

My good friend Emily made me some fun CDs in June. I listened to them this weekend (literally all weekend) and those made me cry too. There's a song on one of them - a completely ghetto song that shouldn't make me cry - but I happened to use it in a slideshow our last Wednesday at Faith, so of course it makes me cry.

Stuff is good. MainStreet is good. I know the kids are good. And yet... this still sucks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I second Gracie. And I say 'ditto' to being such a sap that I end up crying because I miss YOU. I didn't get the nickname Stapp the Sap for nothing :p
