Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Prayer

I wrote an email to a few friends a week following the news about Jer's job. These ladies are the ones that I trust will actually pray for us. This is what I wrote:

Some news from the Berg's neck of the woods that I'd like you to pray about:
Jeremy was told on two weeks ago that the church will be phasing out his position due to budget cuts (a direct result of our awesome economy)... good news is he is on staff through May. So - we have three or four months for discovering where the Lord will take us next.
My special prayer request is that Jeremy would discover the PERFECT role that would fit his giftings (a lot to ask, I know...) but the Lord has already started to open a few doors we probably would never have thought about otherwise that seem to be right up his alley. I am struggling with having to leave a church I love, kids I love, and relationships that were just starting to really develop... needless to say, I'll be in a 5 month 'mourning' process even though I don't have to say goodbye to the weekly relationships just yet. So please pray for me - that I'll be able to really trust that He will take care of the details (like who is going to lead my small group next year and love all the crazy students that walk through the door? And love them well?)

And this is how my dear friends responded (along with many 'For sure we will be praying for you's):
- I'm sorry to hear about this, but believe it could be an opportunity for something great
- God always provides and I'm excited to where God takes you guys
- We will be praying for God's guidance and peace in this situation

Those prayers, friends, are working. God is doing something crazy with the Berg's...

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