Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sometimes Things Stink

Last night was one of those wonderfully awkward nights that I both loved and hated.

We got some stinky news from a dear friend who is being called elsewhere (as in not MainStreet). It left both Jer and I sort of shell shocked (though we saw it coming) and feeling like we're not enough. And then we have to remind ourselves that we don't have to be enough because God is enough. And He's building this church, and He's brought people into and out of this journey before. But it still stinks. Jeremy said our church planting director told him to expect that we will probably turn over every person on our team before the church really starts, so it's at least comforting to know that it's not just us that have gone through this.

And from this news to our new LifeGroup kickoff... only to have everyone we invited not show up. Argh. BUT. Jer and I got to have dinner with our host couple and hear their story... Cliff and Ruby have been married for 61 years. It was fun to sit back and listen to people who have gone before us and to hear their journey with the Lord and with the church. AND... Ruby has a history of praying things into fruition. Those stories were cool to hear.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Growing Fast

This is Peter at 11 weeks old. He has outgrown all of his 3 month clothing. Jer and I assumed we would have a tall baby, but this is nuts. He is growing fast, and he is healthy. We are grateful.

I pray that MainStreet would grow fast and healthy, too.

Baby Pete, meet Baby Church.

MainStreet Covenant is a real church!
Jer and I have always thought that, but now we look more like a 'real' church according to American standards. We had our first Sunday morning preview service in September, and are now one week away from our second one!
There were 147 people - which includes tiny people like Peter - that joined together to break new ground in Mound on September 18th. God showed up and took care of all the silly things for us, and we had fun watching person after person come through the door. It was a little overwhelming, but then again, we've been saying that God will build his church and it really has nothing to do with us. There were people there we've never met before, so that was really fun to see. According to church planting 'rules', at least 50% of your church body should be from new contacts. Jer and I were talking afterwards, and I think of the 147 people there, we only knew 20 or 30 of them when we said yes to this last spring. God is building this church.
I am excited.
I am especially excited to see how Baby Pete and Baby MainStreet grow up together.

Meet Pete

This is our son.

Peter Bjorn Berg
Born July 18th, 2011 @ 4:54 PM
8 pounds, 21 1/2 inches