Friday, June 10, 2011

It's been awhile!

I have to apologize for my absence from blogging... this spring I finished up two classes for my master's program, and then jumped into another one this summer. It ends two weeks after the Fish is due. (Needless to say, I'm not quite sure how that will work yet!) We also wrapped up meeting with our LifeGroup for the spring, but replaced that with a Dave Ramsey class every Wednesday - our buddy Graham will be taking that over, so I may find a free night to myself soon! We launched a Backyard Bible Study on the Sermon on the Mount last Sunday and had 16 people in our backyard. I realized I really like hanging out with these MainStreet people, so that was good.

And now Jer and I find ourselves staring at parenthood from about five weeks out (although I'm sort of expecting to have a little bit more time!) It's crazy to think about. Pretty soon there will be one more Berg body in our house. Jer and I are trying to sneak in whatever free time we have together and appreciate it. That usually happens around 10:30 PM until I NEED to fall asleep. Jeremy plays guitar for the baby, makes up poems, and we play Scrabble on his iPhone. Last night I got to pray for our marriage, for parenthood, and for God's mission in Mound and how that may affect our family. It's pretty fun to think about when we actually (well... 'I' actually) take time to reflect on it. We have been blessed.